vrayc4d – HD Flowers vol.3 for Cinema4D

HD Flowers vol.3 for Cinema4D

Title: vrayc4d – HD Flowers vol.3 for Cinema4D


标题: vrayc4d – 高清鲜花卷 3 电影4D

HD Flowers vol.3 这是 Cinema 4D 全新 3D 模型系列,所有型号都有材质、纹理,可用于影院 4D 高级渲染、VRAYforC4D 和麦克斯韦渲染中的渲染。


HD Flowers vol.3 这是 Cinema 4D 全新 3D 模型系列的所有型号都有材料、纹理,并准备在 Cinema 4D 高级渲染、VRAYforC4D 和麦克斯韦渲染中渲染。 此库包含 100 多个 3D 模型:agapantus、buxus、coleus、glechoma, 绣球, 叶瓣, 鼻孔, 紫杉, petunia, tagea 锅, 三色所有模型都有材料, 纹理和准备在影院 4D 高级渲染, VRAYforC4D, 麦克斯韦渲染.

我们建议使用 64 位版本的 Windows、MacOS 和 Cinema 4D 来提高系统的速度、稳定性和整体性能。

HD Flowers vol.3 it’s new collection of beautiful 3d models for Cinema 4D All models have materials, textures and ready for rendering in Cinema 4D Advanced Render, VRAYforC4D and Maxwell Render.

This library include over 100 3d models: agapantus, buxus, coleus, glechoma, hydrangea, lobelia, nasturtium, pelargonium, petunia, tagetes pot, viola tricolor

HD Flowers vol.3 it’s new collection of beautiful 3d models for Cinema 4D All models have materials, textures and ready for rendering in Cinema 4D Advanced Render, VRAYforC4D and Maxwell Render.This library include over 100 3d models: agapantus, buxus, coleus, glechoma, hydrangea, lobelia, nasturtium, pelargonium, petunia, tagetes pot, viola tricolorAll models have materials, textures and ready for rendering in Cinema 4D Advanced Render, VRAYforC4D, Maxwell Render.

We recommend to use 64-bit version of Windows, MacOS and Cinema 4D to improve speed, stability and overall performance of your system.

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